Monday, January 30, 2012

Cooking With Mom

My mom and I have started a little venture. It all began after watching The Pioneer Woman on Food Network. If y'all haven't watched her show, read her blog, read her books, etc. your missing out! I just can't get enough. I adore her, like her, think she's funny, and just down right awesome.

This is Ree ⬇

This is Ree's Blog ⬇

Be Amazed

Okay... so after finally figuring out what time her show was on and watching it (DVR is a blessing!) my mom asked if I wanted to try the recipes out. Sure. Why not?

Bring on our version of Julie and Julia. Except we will not be making 365 days worth of recipes (as far as I know right now we will not be). Sorry. Just the recipes we want to try to get a handle on now. Starting easy and expanding from there. 

This last weekend we did this ⬇
Pop Pulled Pork

The Fixin's 

Cilantro Slaw

And of course dessert...

It was cake!

Pistachio Bundt Cake to be more specific :-)

Mmmmm it was good! 

To say the least mom and I are having fun with our weekend date to cook and bake. Dad is enjoying the benefits as well...

 I'm learning some new quick and easy recipes and mom says she's aiding me in being able to one day feed a ranch full of people of my very own. What can I say? She has hopes for me too! For now I'll continue to take in the knowledge I am gaining and the fun I am having. 

And hopefully one day I'll be able to apply it all to a wonderful family of my own. 

Next weeks' plans consist of Enchiladas and Chocolate Sheet Cake. Yum!

Saturday, January 7, 2012

My Not So Rockin' New Years Eve

New Year's Eve is a day that some people love, some people hate, and well some people would rather forget...

This New Year's Eve for me unfortunately will be one of those that I would choose to forget. Why? I had a date for the first time on NYE. I was excited, I was nervous (does everyone expect a kiss at midnight?), and because this was the first time this man and I had spent more than an hour together. Sure, we talked on the phone but long distance can be tricky. You work with what you got yah know?

So with the short amount of time that I had to throw together something to do while he was up here, (yes his telling me he was arriving was a last minute thing... I know, I know red flag right?) I chatted up my best friend who let me know there was a NYE team roping going on in the next town. Great, I thought this would give my friends the opportunity to meet him and suss him out a little for me. I've got bad judgment sometimes okay?

The guy tells me he'll be here at noon. He lives about five hours away. Did he bother to get online, use a smart phone and get directions? Did he bring a map? Nope. He just knew what direction to head in. North. 

I gave him slight directions but not everything because he had told me he was going to stop at his sisters or see his mom and get all the directions from them. Did that happen? Nope. What did happen was him getting lost and being over two hours late. Thus, making us late to the roping. Thankfully the roping was going to be going on most all day as there was 150 teams. 

He finally meets me at my house and we hop in his truck and follow my best friend to the roping. Does he say hi or compliment me on how I look? Nope. He tells me I stink. "What did you use the whole bottle this morning or something? Wow, that's strong." Nice to see you too dude...
*please take note that I do NOT over use perfume and have been complimented on many occasions as to how nice I smell, and how light and pretty it is. So there.

To say the least I was taken aback a little by the whole thing (again, red flag right?). Let's just say it was a horrible way to start things off. And it didn't get much better from there. Downhill was the only direction things were going. 

To sum it up I'll make a list.

1. Personalized license plates telling people your a roper ( I thought that was bragging but I might have been wrong?) 

2. Telling a woman she over did it on the perfume (whether joking or not, this is not a good idea).

3. Not introducing yourself to her friends (yes, there are exceptions but if she's trying to introduce you, don't cut her off to ask the friend something before you've been introduced).

4. Opening doors. Is it just me or has this gotten to be old fashioned? I thought men were suppose to open doors, whether in car or not. This is almost like pulling up and honking instead of getting out to knock on the door. Manners please.

5. Making yourself comfortable in someone else's house. If it's your first time there please don't kick off your shoes and plop your butt down on the sofa all stretched out like you own the place. You don't. It's one thing when you've been dating for awhile and know each other, it's another when your just putting your feet in the water. 

6. If the dogs don't like you...

7. Mocking a woman is not funny. And it certainly does not lighten the mood. This includes picking on a woman too. Every move she makes does not need to be commented on/reviewed and criticized. That's what she has friends and family for (again this is when you've just started dating. I like to joke around, can be sarcastic, and do some picking on of my own but I know the appropriate time to do so).

8. Conversation. Try it some time. I know the world thinks that women just like to talk for the sake of talking but truth be told if we're not comfortable, we're not talking. At least, I'm not. 

9. Whining. Women don't want to raise you, your parents should have already done that. And whining in any situation won't get you what you want. It's a turn off. 

10. Awkward hug. Hopefully you can read signals that a woman gives off. Just like women can read your signals most of the time. If she's looking like she's done with the night and just not that into it. Don't keep pushing. 

These are just ten reasons why things didn't go well. I'm more than sure that I could write more. Heck, I could probably spill out the whole story but I just want you to get the picture of what happened. I basically spent my NYE with a whining immature thirteen year old. 

I was done with the date within a few hours but I let it stretch out. Let it finish. Unfortunately since we don't live in the same town I felt obligated to see things through. Just in case he may have been nervous or something. 

I know that's an excuse I was using to justify certain actions but how do you know at the time? I had also invited him to stay in our guest room. Awkward, I know. But this is not how I thought things were going to go. 

Me calling the date short (all I wanted to do was get away). Me going to bed before midnight (no chance for an awkward kiss). Me disconnecting (going to bed and shutting my door). 

I wanted things to work out. They didn't. Am I disappointed? Yes and no. Just because I want things to work out doesn't mean that they will. If it's not right, it's not right and love can't be forced. No matter how bad my mom wants grandchildren.