Friday, April 23, 2010

Buying A Car

I don't understand this process. I don't like it. I go onto a dealer lot and get swarmed by car salesman. Thanks but no, I'd rather look on my own and come get someone if I need it. I don't like being hovered over. But do they hear me? Nope. They continue to follow.

All I want to do it look at something with no pressure. And boxing me in is not gonna make me feel that way. Give me my space! I know what I'm looking for. Let me look.

*sigh* Don't even get me started on test driving. You'd think it would be fun but it's not. It's nerve racking. I don't get to check out the car the way I want to because I have the salesman sitting in the seat next to me. And no I do not want a co-signer. No, I do not think I can manage $100 more over my budget because it works out to $3 a day more. Really? I have bills to pay. And to keep on track with them I have to have that $3 a day more to pay them. Tight budget sir. Did I not explain this when you asked me the first time what I was looking for?! I think I did.

Find me what I'm looking for and we have a deal. Push me and I walk. It's how I roll.

Who's Gonna Make You Laugh When You Move?

My mom and I went to pick up sandwiches the other afternoon. We always pick on each other. Playfully. I pick, poke and pester like any youngest child would do. All the while cracking myself up.
Then my mom says, "Who's gonna make you laugh when you move? Cause I just know how you love to get a good laugh out of picking on me."

"Oh, I'll still have some good laughs. My sister will keep me updated..." I reply.

"And you will probably tell people there some stories about me."

"Oh, no doubt."

"Gee thanks."


You Can't Sneak Up On Frogs

Things that I have learned from my mother:

And believe me this will be an ongoing list but for now I shall start with this bright new number that was laid on me the other day with the discovery of a frog in my parents backyard. I get called into the other room last night for my mom to announce there is a frog in our backyard. *note that we live in the "city" part of our rural community and my mother is no country bumpkin.

I'm still trying to figure out where this country itch of mine comes from. Maybe my sister will figure that our as she tracks our heritage.

As interesting as the discovery of a frog in our backyard, only at this point by sound, I went back to what I was doing. Half an hour later my mother decides it is time to find it. So she asks me to keep the dogs at bay while she heads out the back door with a flashlight. Anybody else know where this is going? Yep. Ten minutes later she reenters the house with a look of defeat.

"Well?" I ask.
"He stopped croaking the minute I got out there" my mother replies
"Huh. Really?" I say sarcastically
"Yeah, but I'm gonna try and go around another way."
She leaves out the garage door now.
Fifteen minutes later she reenters again.
"Find him?" I inquire again.
"Nope. He stopped again"
"You can't sneak up on a frog" I tell her shaking my head.
"Oh yes you can. I've done it before. I got all the way out to the potted plant before he stopped croaking".
"Okay then. Good luck"

Next morning.....

"That frog is still out there. I heard it all last night"
"Yeah, they do that"
"I told your father that frickin' frog better shut it! Don't they sleep? And he told me during the day!"
"Damn it! I'm gonna find that sucker today"
"Okay mom"
"I will, I bet I know where he is too. But he better not jump out at me or I'll scream"

Several hours later.....

"Find the frog?" I, of course already knew the answer do to the lack of screaming. She's not a bug person either.
"Nope. And I looked"
"How hard?"
"Not very..."
"Didn't want it to jump out at yah huh?"

And so another night begins with the frog still unfound.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010


So I got an itch. My sister decided to start a blog and being the great, funny writer she is I was surprised she had not started one sooner. So there I sat. Reading her blog. And thinking.

And then I did it! I created my own blog. Why? Because I am moving several states away and what better way to keep in contact with everyone? Even though I may be horrible at writing things when I really have nothing to say, at least I can post pictures :-)

So here's the start of it all. And in less than a month I will be getting ready to make my trek to Wyoming where I will be working on a guest ranch. Playing the part of cowgirl. Something I have always wanted to do but never got the guts to try. Something I always had in the back of my head, picking at me, gnawing at me to go and try this but never thought I could.

Then I took a chance. A wild hair while I don't have anything or anyone holding me back. So here I go out into the wide open spaces to find me. And I'm freaking out! I'm happy. I'm anxious. I'm a little sad. But I'm keeping my faith in God and I'm following my heart.

Here we go. Wish me luck!