Friday, May 14, 2010


Just a little update on our little friend that was living in the backyard. Notice I said was? He's no longer living. My dad killed him. Accidentally. Poisoned the little frog to be exact.

I had mentioned earlier how I had thought he might be in the spa. I was right. Dad put chlorine in the spa to clean it and the next day we had a floater. Oops.

Mom didn't think it was that funny. Not that she minded not having to hear it at night croaking it's tune. Because it did croak, literally.

There are so many bad frog jokes to go with this. I'll just stop now.

R.I.P. Mr. Frog

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


What decade are we living in? This truly frustrates me. I feel sometimes like being a "modern" woman is harder than it should be. Back in a time when things seemed so much more simple and people used to make their own dresses from patterns they got at a fabric store, did they too have problems like this?

I announce that I am moving to Wyoming. I am going to be all I can be and finally go after my dreams. not let anything hold me back and do what I love. Play with horses and cattle and live where people really love that kind of thing too. Somewhere that I don't feel like an outcast from the rest of my family some days because I like to get dirty, play in the mud, build fences, pull a calf etc. All signs pointing in the right direction.

I have all of my close friends and family supporting me and know that what I am doing is for me. I'm doing this to better myself and live a dream. And what response do I get from the other people who don't know me as well as I thought they did?
A) Did I meet a man?
B) *side glance* You aren't pregnant are you? *laughs*
C) Maybe there is where I'll find me a mate (feeling like a dog or chimp about now, penguin even maybe..)

Really people?! What part of the cow poop on my boots and the dirt on my hands do you not get? I'm not moving because I'm trying to hide something and I'm not moving because of a man. This is about me. What's good for my soul! Do you hear me?!

Have we really not come that far in all this time? Why do I need to explain myself to anyone? Women should be able to make independent decisions on their own now a days instead of being question as to their actions. That such a "crazy" move could only be the result of impending shame or man behind it all.

For example these women.

Who doesn't know these women? Independent, strong and a shining example of what a modern woman is. Although yes, there still are struggles with the opposite sex and daily life they push through. Not taking any crap from anyone and demanding what they want with style.

I may not be the typical woman everyone expects me to be but don't try and shove me in a corner. I'm gonna fight my way out. Whether they believe me or not it makes no difference. they are going to believe what they want to anyway. So bring it on. I'm good with knowing myself that I have never been one to settle for something that I didn't have my whole heart in. And I'm not about to set now.

I've always been a rule bender and breaker and pushed the line.

Why stop now?

Just watch me.

Bone To Pick

I will have one later when I have time. Cause right now I don't but I thought I would just let you know now as a warning, things may get ugly and you may want to just skip the following post if you have a problem with women being independent and strong.

Just sayin'


It's what I am.

Things are running together now.

Seems like I'm running out of time this month. The countdown has already begun to me leaving. My mind hasn't fully set in yet as to the actually fact that I AM LEAVING in about 16 days. Maybe once I get in the car and start heading down the highway. Then again knowing myself as I do, it probably won't sink in until about a month of being there. And even then I'll have to pinch myself to check.

I don't know why I said that I would be pinching myself. Chances are I won't. Why inflict such torture upon oneself? That's just silly.

I sure hope the wide open spaces of Wyoming will be the therapy I have been looking for. I just know it's right. And that scares me.

Scares me I tell yah! In a good way though. Why? Because I'll be doing what I love. A little out of the comfort zone I have built here in the small town. That's good for me too! Sometimes you have to get out of your comfort zone to get what you really need.

I'm jumping in.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

One Of Those Days

Ever have one? Your on a high and you think everything is going right then BAM!

Everything suddenly feels like it is crumbling at your feet.... Yeah, that was today. I think my heart stopped a few times. Thankfully it's still ticking. I made it through. I'm going to need some sleep. If my brain stops working.

I've got hopes.