What decade are we living in? This truly frustrates me. I feel sometimes like being a "modern" woman is harder than it should be. Back in a time when things seemed so much more simple and people used to make their own dresses from patterns they got at a fabric store, did they too have problems like this?
I announce that I am moving to Wyoming. I am going to be all I can be and finally go after my dreams. not let anything hold me back and do what I love. Play with horses and cattle and live where people really love that kind of thing too. Somewhere that I don't feel like an outcast from the rest of my family some days because I like to get dirty, play in the mud, build fences, pull a calf etc. All signs pointing in the right direction.

A) Did I meet a man?
B) *side glance* You aren't pregnant are you? *laughs*
C) Maybe there is where I'll find me a mate (feeling like a dog or chimp about now, penguin even maybe..)
Really people?! What part of the cow poop on my boots and the dirt on my hands do you not get? I'm not moving because I'm trying to hide something and I'm not moving because of a man. This is about me. What's good for my soul! Do you hear me?!

For example these women.
I may not be the typical woman everyone expects me to be but don't try and shove me in a corner. I'm gonna fight my way out. Whether they believe me or not it makes no difference. they are going to believe what they want to anyway. So bring it on. I'm good with knowing myself that I have never been one to settle for something that I didn't have my whole heart in. And I'm not about to set now.
I've always been a rule bender and breaker and pushed the line.
Why stop now?
Just watch me.
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