Friday, June 8, 2012


Please tell me that there is still parents out there with some sanity in them?

It drives me nuts when I see kids running amuck. Parents seem to have lost control. Isn't there a reason why your the parent?

Kids kicking and screaming in department stores because they want a toy. What happens? The parent caves and gives them the toy. What does that teach the child? That they now know how to manipulate their parent. And that's not even a teenager.

I think there needs to be a parent revival where parents start being parents again. Teach your children manners. Teach them discipline. Show them how to be a good adult by raising them. The lack of morals, responsibilities, and the attitudes that I see shock me.

I would never get away with any of that as a kid. Heck, I still wouldn't get away with it today. My parents would kick my butt.

Come on parents. Give the other adults around you a break. We shouldn't have to raise your kids for you.

I'd rather have a kid like this:

Any day.

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Public Restrooms

I dislike them.

Let's just be completely honest. There isn't anyone who can be comfortable in one. Maybe it's different for guys. As I was sitting in one today I couldn't help but start writing this post in my head. I don't know if that's weird or just the fact that my mind gets a little focused on the hilarity of certain things that happen in my life. 

Walking into a public restroom is like being a spy on a mission. You get in, accomplish your task, and get out as fast as possible. Hopefully without being spotted by the person (because your never lucky enough to be alone in there) in the next stall. Why would this be important? Chances are your not just getting out with doing #1. 

You know what I mean. Toot, drop a bomb, run out of toilet paper, get a visit from Mother Nature, and several other unmentionables I am sure. Not to mention what could happen if seated upon the dreaded automatic flush. 

That's the whole reason your forced to use a public restroom in the first place. It's an emergency. An embarrassing, torturing, short visit, but when your on the go and have to go....sometimes the only thing you can do is just flush that pride down the toilet.