Friday, June 8, 2012


Please tell me that there is still parents out there with some sanity in them?

It drives me nuts when I see kids running amuck. Parents seem to have lost control. Isn't there a reason why your the parent?

Kids kicking and screaming in department stores because they want a toy. What happens? The parent caves and gives them the toy. What does that teach the child? That they now know how to manipulate their parent. And that's not even a teenager.

I think there needs to be a parent revival where parents start being parents again. Teach your children manners. Teach them discipline. Show them how to be a good adult by raising them. The lack of morals, responsibilities, and the attitudes that I see shock me.

I would never get away with any of that as a kid. Heck, I still wouldn't get away with it today. My parents would kick my butt.

Come on parents. Give the other adults around you a break. We shouldn't have to raise your kids for you.

I'd rather have a kid like this:

Any day.

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