It's a common phrase out here on the dude ranch. At any time there is a chance that an "outfit" or car will need to be moved. What's the better solution in this case? Just leave the keys in the car so that whoever needs to move it can.
When not use to the dude ranch lifestyle and way of things this can be questioned. Who needs to get into the car? Why? What if someone who doesn't need to get into the car does? These, of course, can be life altering questions.
Take a deep breath, sit back, relax, and realize how ridiculous these questions really are. Afterall, it's a ranch in the middle of nowhere but forest and wildlife. Who's going to get into the car? An elk? A moose? Squirrels? Well.....maybe squirrels. They are tricky little buggers.
Needless to say it takes some adjusting when not originally from this neck of the woods. So until then having a spare key outside of the car as well is always a good option.
Just in case.