The adventures and misadventures of a single girl stumbling through this thing called dating.
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Huh now that's interesting

Thursday, November 4, 2010
Ranch Life
Okay so I admit that I have not been the best at keeping up with this blog but I’m going to try harder now. I think. The lack of technology out here kind of makes me not want to do anything but read, watch movies, T.V., or just sleep when I’m not working. I think it’s the lack of hustle felt by being in such a laid back place. Well, laid back as far as the winter schedule goes.
During the summer season we bust our butts so hard that we don’t have a minute to think about anything really besides work. I guess that’s why our winter hours get so laid back. It’s make up time for what we lost during the summer so that we don’t go completely insane. I’m okay with that.
Life is definitely not bad here. Look at what I get to see everyday:
Friday, May 14, 2010

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

What decade are we living in? This truly frustrates me. I feel sometimes like being a "modern" woman is harder than it should be. Back in a time when things seemed so much more simple and people used to make their own dresses from patterns they got at a fabric store, did they too have problems like this?

Bone To Pick
Just sayin'
Things are running together now.
Seems like I'm running out of time this month. The countdown has already begun to me leaving. My mind hasn't fully set in yet as to the actually fact that I AM LEAVING in about 16 days. Maybe once I get in the car and start heading down the highway. Then again knowing myself as I do, it probably won't sink in until about a month of being there. And even then I'll have to pinch myself to check.
I don't know why I said that I would be pinching myself. Chances are I won't. Why inflict such torture upon oneself? That's just silly.
I sure hope the wide open spaces of Wyoming will be the therapy I have been looking for. I just know it's right. And that scares me.
Scares me I tell yah! In a good way though. Why? Because I'll be doing what I love. A little out of the comfort zone I have built here in the small town. That's good for me too! Sometimes you have to get out of your comfort zone to get what you really need.
I'm jumping in.
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
One Of Those Days

Everything suddenly feels like it is crumbling at your feet.... Yeah, that was today. I think my heart stopped a few times. Thankfully it's still ticking. I made it through. I'm going to need some sleep. If my brain stops working.
Friday, April 23, 2010
Buying A Car
Who's Gonna Make You Laugh When You Move?
You Can't Sneak Up On Frogs

Things that I have learned from my mother:
Tuesday, April 20, 2010

So I got an itch. My sister decided to start a blog and being the great, funny writer she is I was surprised she had not started one sooner. So there I sat. Reading her blog. And thinking.